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Gliwice Wikipedia Gliwice was first biegiem Suchedniow mentioned as a town zetony do myjni Garwolin in 1276, however, it was granted franse auto Swiebodzin town rights earlier by Duke Opolski of the Piast dynasty. It was located on a trade automatyczna skrzynia biegow naprawa Zielona Gora route connecting Kraków and Wrocław and was part of various Piastruled duchies of fragmented Poland Opole until 1281, Bytom until 1322, fromtoGliwice was a capital of an eponymous duchy, peugeot partner skrzynia biegow Frombork afterwards again part of.Lesser Poland Wikipedia Lesser Poland, often known by its Polish name Małopolska Latin Polonia Minor, is a historical region situated in southern and southeastern capital and largest city is Krakóughout centuries, Lesser Poland developed a separate culture featuring diverse architecture, folk costumes, dances, cuisine, traditions and a rare Lesser Polish